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Duel Masters Wiki

Template:Hall of Fame

This is a Vanilla card.
Shrine of Rebirth
Civilization: Nature Nature
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 3
Flavor Texts: 安らかな眠りにつくのだ! A more peaceful rest comes! (DM-36, DMX-08, DMD-33)
オラクルと手を組んだブリティッシュに対抗するため、 レイジクリスタルを手に入れたカツキング。 To counter British, who joined with the Oracles, Katsuking got the Rage Crystal.(DMD-13)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: kou1
DM-36 Psychic Shock PS
69/110 — Uncommon Uncommon
DMX-08 Burn up to the Max! BEST Competition E2
22/37 — Uncommon Uncommon
DMD-13 Super Deck MAX: Katsuking and Treasures of Legend E3
18/22 — Uncommon Uncommon
DMD-33 Masters Chronicle Deck 2016: The World's End by the God of Devils
17/19 — Uncommon Uncommon
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