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This is a Vanilla card.
Prelude of Horror
Japanflag Kana: せんりつ (Senritsu)
Civilization: Colorless
Card Type: Spell
Mana Cost: 3
Flavor Texts: A melody is being played, but it points to awaken the presence of horror. 奏でられる旋律が、戦慄の存在を目覚めさす。 (DMX-13)
戦慄の旋律が神を導く。A shivering melody leads to Gods. (DMD-12)
オラ、ラオウ!!あっしは、アツシ!ワイ、小岩井!!そして、ぼく久保�みんなそろって…、YA・RA・SIそして…、わたしが…、YA・RA・SIの新リーダー。おさむらい・VAN・オサム…。レオ…、よくもわれわれを、裏切ってくれたな…。Ora, Raou! Asshi, Atsushi! Wai, Koiwai! And I, everyone... everyone... YA RA SI. And I am the leader of YA RA SI... Osamurai Van Osamu... Leo... well, we betrayed you. ---『デュエル・マスターズV』 6巻 P74ーP77より YARASI集合時のセリフ (DMX-25)
さぁ、この恐怖の旋律に戦慄するがいい! Now, let's shudder on the melody of fear! ―Osamurai Van Osamu (P60/Y11)
感情を失い、そして文明をも失った代わりに、新たにゼロの力を手に入れた、神をも超えた強大な存在。それがゼニス。In return for losing emotion and losing civilization, powerful existences beyond the Gods that gained the new power of Zero. That is the Zeniths. (DMEX-01)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrators: RUI MARUYAMA
Shigenobu Matsumoto
DMX-13 White Zenith Pack E2
18/36 — Uncommon Uncommon
DMX-14 Strongest Strategy: Perfect 12 E3
12/84 — Uncommon Uncommon
DMD-12 Forbidden Transform Deck: The Book of Oracle E3
c18/21 — Uncommon Uncommon
DMX-25 Final Memorial Pack ~E1, E2, E3 edition~ RevF
37/51 — Uncommon Uncommon
DMEX-01 Duel Masters: Golden Best
54/80 [2012] — Uncommon Uncommon
Promotional Promotional
P60/Y11, P57/Y16, P60/Y16, P72/Y16 — Uncommon Uncommon
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