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Duel Masters Wiki
Chain Cascade
Japanflag 激流連鎖げきりゅうれんさ (Gekiryū Rensa)
Released: DM-36 Psychic Shock
Dmwiki.net: Article
Category for Chain Cascade

Chain Cascade is a keyword exclusive to one creature in the Water Civilization.


This keyword is a variation of the Chain ability.

Like Chain, it is only featured on cards with Magic Soul Magic Soul.

Reminder Text[]

The latest reminder text for Chain Cascade reads:

Chain Cascade (When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at the top 2 cards of your deck. If any of those cards are creatures that costs less than this creature, you may put them into the battle zone. Put the rest of the cards on top of your deck in any order.)


8 Cyber G Hogan
Water Water / Creature
Cyber Command
■ Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Chain Cascade (When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at the top 2 cards of your deck. If any of those cards are creatures that cost less than this creature, you may put them into the battle zone. Put the rest of the cards on top of your deck in any order.)
Magic Soul Magic Soul


Cards that support the Chain Cascade ability

Support Creature: Card Effect:
Butterfly Brandy, Electro-Taiga ■ Each of your other creatures in the battle zone that has a Chain ability gets +1000 power.

Cards with the Chain Cascade ability[]


  • Q: Cyber G Hogan has a "Chain Cascade" ability. How do you use it?
    • A: For the "Chain" ability, you reveal the top card of your deck. For the "Chain Cascade" ability you reveal the top cards of your deck, and put any number of creatures with less cost than the Cyber G Hogan into the battle zone. If you pick no creatures, put them back on the top of your deck in any order. If put in one creature, the other card is shuffled back into your deck. If you put in 2 creatures, you can use their "when you put this creature into the battle zone" effect in any order, regardless of the order they were put into the battle zone.