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Adomis, the Oracle
Adomis, the Oracle
Civilization: Light Light
Card Type: Creature
Mana Cost: 3
Race: Light Bringer
English Text:

Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to use its Tap ability.

Tap Choose a shield and look at it. Then put it back where it was.
Japanese Text:

■ このクリーチャーで攻撃する代わりに、タップして次の Tap 能力を使ってもよい。

Tap シールドを1枚選んで見る。その後、それを元に戻す。
Power: 2000
Flavor Text: "Aw, man—I got a speck of asteroid in my eye." (DM-10)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Naoki Saito
Other Card Information: